Disney Musical Wiki
Chip Potts
Background information
Musical Beauty and the Beast
Portrayed by Brian Press (musical; debut)

Nick Jonas (musical; replacement)

Portrayed by
Performance model
Honors and awards
Character information
Full name
Other names
Personality Curious, adventurous, loving, excitable, playful, innocent, charming
Appearance As a teacup: Small, thin white teacup with a small chip on his right rim

As a human: Small, slender, dirty blond hair and eyebrows, blue eyes, fair skin, chipped tooth

Affiliations Good
Goal To become human again (succeeded)
Home Beast's Castle
Relatives Mrs. Potts (mother)
Allies Mrs. Potts, Beast, Belle, Lumière, Cogsworth, Maurice, Babette, Madame de la Grande Bouche
Enemies Gaston, LeFou, the villagers (briefly)
Likes Visitors, having fun, time spent with Belle, books, happy endings
Dislikes Belle's leaving, sleeping in the cupboard, bedtime, not knowing what's going on, the Beast's temper
Powers and abilities
Fate Becomes human again after Belle helps break the spell

Chip Potts is the son of Mrs. Potts and a supporting character who was featured in Disney's Beauty and the Beast.


Chip appears in a much smaller role in the musical, omitting the scene where he rescues Belle and Maurice from the cellar, for example, due to the technical and practical limitations. He is seen as a disembodied head shaped like a teacup that's on a cart covered by a tablecloth pushed around by Mrs. Potts. In one scene he is a puppet on a tray that is carried by Mrs. Potts. He kicks off the number "Human Again", mentioning the hope he feels when Belle and the Beast begin to form a friendship which the rest of the castle staff agree they feel too. His brothers and sisters are not seen, nor are they mentioned, thus it can be assumed in this variation he is an only child. The character was originated on Broadway by Brian Press, with a notable replacement being Nick Jonas.

